Thursday, August 16, 2007

August 16, 2007

So I guess quite a bit of stuff has happened recently. Project wise, I'm beginning to slack-off I admit. After working my butt off for the first few weeks (about 12 hour days), you start getting burnt out. I feel that my project is a little screwed right now, since I don't have the computing power I need right now, and I'm having trouble submitting my job to the UCSD clusters right now. Right now I'm making a sort of pointless database I feel, that does not have what I want in it. But that's my project, and I prefer not really getting into it right now.

I went to watch Transformers with a co-worker Sun Yuanhua. It was 25 RMB per ticket which is maybe about $3.50. I thought that the movie was really good, but it was still quite irritating how the Chinese government censors the movies I pay for. For some reason they bleeped out a part where they mention a country that was supposedly in the movie the only possible country to perform a hack on the government. Been trying to search what that country is, but haven't been able to find it yet. So if you find it, post it in the comments for me! Anyways, before we saw the movie, I got some quick McDonald's. I know, I know. It's McDonald's (unhealthy), but in my defense I only had 30 min. to find somewhere to eat, and eat. Well why I was there, I was talking to Sun Yuanhua, and I asked her what she believed it. It was the funniest reply every. "I believe in science, and communism.... If everyone has money and is happy, communism must be good." I thought that was great. I love China! haha

After that, I went clubbing at Vics and Baby Angel Club. Vics I thought was really overrated. The male to female ratio was quite disappointing I thought. This is how I characterize the club. Too many men, females in pairs, or just couples. It was fun overall hanging out buzzed/drunk with Ocean (a native in China), Ryan and Lynn. I think that's all that happened. So peace out then.

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