Saturday, July 21, 2007

July 2, 2007

So not too much has happened. Yesterday, I just mainly slept since I was up until 7 am Saturday night. So I basically only got like 4 hours of sleep, and I took my time the whole day. I went out and got some quick food on the way to my friends' place. I got some bao zhe, which is right outside my place, for me and for my friends. I am quite surprised how fulfilling it is to just like buy people stuff. I say this not in the sense of good will but more on the lines of just being giving.

While on this topic, I feel that my growth spiritually has been stunted. I feel that I have so much need to learn and become a better christian, but at times in a way I'm shy in showing who I am. I feel ashamed at this, but I guess this is just another way to put myself in another uncomfortable position so I can grow. I more like see this as another challenge that has been given to me to teach me something. On a bright note, I feel like I haven't really strayed from my walk since my disciplines are getting better.

Something that I just learned, and this is probably more to do with me always blanking out and not really paying attentions is that I just found out that my roommate is queer. I think it's really interesting in two ways. First, I never noticed until someone told me. That just demonstrates how I never pay attention to anything. Second, I have always wanted to live with someone that is queer. I feel like this is probably going to be the most life-changing part of my trip here in China.

So it's pretty crazy some things here in China. When you're walking on the streets, you always have to look both ways when crossing a street or walking in part of one, for the traffic is crazy from all the cars, busses, trucks, motorcycles, mopeds, and bikes. Also, it's the craziest thing. Sometimes there's caterpillars hanging off a tree on a strand of silk. You need to watch out from walking into them. Here's a picture of one of the caterpillars.

On the work side, I feel like I am really struggling. The main reason is that the program that I learned in UCSD before I came to China, I don't really use. Other than that, I have no idea how to use the programs I'm required to use to do my project. So this is my day usually. Show up at 9a.m., and spend about 9-12 figuring out how to use my program. And then just give up and do another aspect of my project for the rest of the day until 5-6 after lunch. It's pretty cool though that I'm forced to learn computer language though since I have to figure what the heck I am doing and understand how the programs work.

On the side of what I did yesterday, I went shopping again in the technology shopping district. I realized at that time how much I like bargaining. I got a miniSD card, which I didn't really need, for 120 RMB. I love bargaining. This gives me extra incentive to brush up on my Chinese in order to be able to bargain. haha

I finally got a haircut today. Wow it was so nice. Before they cut your hair, they wash your hair. After they give you a haircut, they wash your hair. And it only cost about 10RMB. That's about $1.10 US. Cheap eh? Another thing about the barber shops, the whore houses here. It's freaking crazy how a lot of the barber shops turn into whore houses during the night. Here's a link to the whore houses during the night. I'll later post an update to compare the same stores as barber shops in the night.

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